Energy Forecast Jan-June ‘24
**The following is a segment I channelled, as featured on the podcast Paranormal Karen with Karen Rontowski in the Dec 29 2023 Predictions Episode. SOL is a 5th and 6th density collective or social memory complex which assists me greatly in all my various mind body spirit rebalancing sessions as well as Psychic Surgery and direct channelling and channelled answers or readings. If you would like to learn more, send any questions to or feel free to book a session such as Wake Up to Your Heart to explore your own inner guidance, team, connections and Soul directives.
Greetings, We are Sol and we thank you for this moment in your time and space to be heard and to provide you with our projections of energies on your current timeline or energetic alignment to the many infinite potentials. We hope you will allow the space for any and all of what we shared to be this, or that, or nothing at all, based solely on your own dazzling and unique journey and experience.
January will be a very great moment of inter cellular healing and expansion within this collective of beautiful light rays. Many in this collective are aware of the frequency and intensity of the codes, downloads, wisdom and upgrades received by their vessel during the months of November and December through the Solar and Cosmic rays which were slated to be received during these times. Many have experienced awakenings of their vital life force, the Kundalini or serpent and dragon mother energies, resulting in difficult and dark periods of what may have felt like testing and initiation through the emotional and mental bodies. Due to the ending of this part of the cycle and the movement into the solidifying of these initiations into seeds planted in the physical reality we see a vast amount of integration through all layers of the physical vessel down to the bones and deeper. This may result in an amount of bodily discomfort for each being, sudden, intense aches and pains through the skull, face, neck, spine, and feet as well as sharp pains or perceived twists in the internal systems of the trunk or hands. Each individual is urged to take due care of their vessel during this time, to drink an increased amount of water, electrolytes, and to consider imbibing only sun touched foods when possible, avoiding alcohol or substances. Pamper the self and feel no self judgment in taking time away and in stillness or comfort whenever possible throughout this month. Take baths and call on the divine mother healing streams. The middle of the month from the 13th to the 21st may be an especially dense period of healing for some. We do not recommend Mental or Spiritual Body healing during this time, as so much of the body and subtle body energies will be directed towards these much needed transformations.
February will be a time of great light and lightness incoming which can feel very magical and renewing to this collective but may also push some into periods of spiritual darkness, for when a being is to invite in light they also shine this light upon deeper shadows which will require an amount of conscious awareness to allow the darkness to feel seen and to invite back and welcome back those aspects or layers of self which have been awaiting the retrieval process from within the darkness. It is advisable during this time to seek spiritual guidance in the ways of healing or energy work to assist with the processing and welcoming home of these layers of self or to intend moments of internal focus on the self if one wishes instead to traverse the shadows alone. During the second week of the month and the last week of the month each being should set time of intention aside to honour these often inner child versions of self and it would be helpful to create tributes in the way of altars, offering of creation such as art, song, dance and to hold celebrations of life ceremonies giving the opportunity to grieve, as well as welcoming back these aspects of love and divinity. Use these ceremonies also to accept gifts, for each self does hold codes like keys to doors within the self which will now be illuminated upon welcoming them back to the home, the heart and seat of the soul within self. These gifts will come as spiritual talents, sparks of inspiration or love, sacred wisdom and almost always a renewal of hopes and dreams long awaited by the being who has not realized they have denied themselves the sparkle of these for a good deal of time.
March will be a month of extremes, like the the Lion to the Lamb, the beings within this collective are likely to experience moments of embodiment of the extremities of resonant bands of frequencies during this time. We know this may cause some to doubt themselves and their path mere days after feeling as though the warm sun lay upon their faces on the mountaintop of their success. We urge each individual to think of this time like great waves on your oceans taking you to very low lows, then propelling you to very high highs, and so not to discourage in the moments of a valley and not to push the self too far or to make any rash decisions atop the hill. The more each being can learn to appreciate this flux as a specific energetic expression within their unique cycles paired with the larger cycles of the planet and the cosmos, the more they will find peace and balance and a gentle moderation of each. The mental body will be receiving these fluctuations in energy and the ego will wish to internalize as all or nothing, a super confidence or a quaking vulnerability. These are often the moments of feeling most tested or one might say ‘off their rocker’, as the conscious experience of these swings has been taught to them to be imbalance. We wish for this collective to utilize the Diamond white light of the Sol collective in these times, and to concentrate it deeply into these thoughts, fears or anxieties of ‘losing the mind’ and to hear from us in these times “You will be okay, this and all things are temporary, you are a beautiful, valuable and worthy emanation of pure light and love within all that is and you are loved, protected and held in this moment and in all moments. You are not broken”. We encourage you to utilize the energies of the extremes within the elements of hot and cold, fire and water or ice, to bring these understandings and energetic teachings into the body and to allow the physical vessel to transmute some of the dis ease.
April will be a time of cleansing and baptism within the light of the angelic rays smiling down upon the planet. Each being within the collective and throughout the planet will be given an energetic opportunity of renewed sight within the heavenly rays of the sacred triune. Each being is meant to receive ample blessings at this time which have been culminating and seeding into the physical for many months and mentioned for January. At this time a great number of blessings shall rain down upon those who have been devout in their spiritual service of honouring of the self, the healing of the self, and the physical vessel and all layers of the subtle self. They will be welcomed anew into the church of Earth and Nature as a raw and newborn babe in need of love and nurturing and care. The Energies of Gaia, the Divine Mother archetypes and the Ascended Mothers will be closely present and it is recommended to work with each or any throughout this time. This is a moment to open the self fully to receiving and to do away with any outdated beliefs which would be seen as limiting the infinite flow of abundance, opportunity, nurturing, support, care and fertile creative mothering energy the Earth and the Cosmos wish always to provide. We encourage this collective to remind themselves daily that abundance in all forms is their birthright, that it exists infinitely and unconditionally for each. We would further suggest the honouring of these mother archetypes or those present and adored within each beings awareness by way of offerings, altars, or acts of service to the self in nurturance of both the child and the mother qualities within all.
May will be a time for great speed, fertility and prolific creativity within this beautiful collective. Following the streaming through and honouring of Divine Mother energies in the previous month, there will be an energy of birthing of creations long budding, sprouting through the surface and for many a great blossoming is set to occur. There are many within this collective who have been admirably pressing on with creative projects and passions through the depths of their journey of self in the year so far. They will have had to stop and start a good number of times through the first months of the year and they may have become frustrated, overwhelmed or nearly given up at these moments. However, now is a fruitful and auspicious energy for these ventures to spring forth in ways they had not before into the realms of form. Some will publish works or share new forms of art, hold preliminary meetings or gatherings for what will become greater collectives or communities, or launch conscious businesses which join together their passions for material attainment with their healing and spiritual pursuits. This Blossoming will show each being sides of themselves long suppressed, will bolster empowerment and the knowing of the deep truths and desires of the soul and within both the masculine and feminine principles. This will be a great time of coming together or union of those in the physical or a tightening of the bonds of those who had already met and entered union. Many of the beings within this collective will feel seen and known through the mirrored soul of another in new way, and from this will find opportunities to learn, grow and heal alongside another after long periods wondering if this must always be done alone. It will be a time both of great coming together and great bursting apart. The Heart expansion and evolution this will bring to the individuals and the overall frequency of your planet will be the first of it’s kind and great waves will be made by the love and expressions of love that are birthed, shared, and honoured here.
June will be a time of great celebration for this most vibrant collective of beings, as well as the planet at large. The sun and energies of the father, will bath the planet in an energy of great change and inspiration to move forward from outdated structures and patterns in healed ways. Many in this collective will feel the call of their ancestors, ascended masters and prominent streams from within the masculine frequencies of self to engage further in communion with these layers of self and to draw from them inspiration for actioned healing within the past and current lives familial structures. There will be widespread moments of generational healing and releasing of collective karmic patterns no longer befitting the alignment of the masculine expression on your planet. We encourage all to seek conscious community at this time to support the healing expression of the masculine and to emanate gratitude and unconditional love for those they would see as divine masculine expressions in all forms. It would be beautiful and helpful to provide offerings, and prayers to those energies which feel most resonant to each beings unique and dazzling light stream. We would suggest an altar to remain up for the fullness of the month and to call upon a new stream in alignment with the Sunday of each of your weeks, giving pause as a gift to the self on these days to honour the Masculine expression within, and without. This will also be a wonderful time to respond to the energies of forward motion, and to move with your tides to the projects or beginnings that feel inspirational and light the passionate flame of your fire within. Start things or run with things, do not worry so much whether you will bring things to the completion you envision. There will be time enough to whittle down the list of projects or to feel out which collective streams of inspiration are for you to complete or for you to pass lovingly along to the next being.
We are Sol. We smile and shine the Diamond White Light of Healing upon you, and leave you now, in love and in light.